2007-2009,Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellow, Singapore
2014.5-至今, 生物医用材料北京实验室执行主任
在Advanced Materials、JACS、Biomaterials等国际期刊发表论文250余篇,受邀为Chemical Reviews、Accounts of Chemical Research、 Chemical Society Reviews、Progress in Polymer Science、Progress in Materials Science期刊撰写综述论文多篇。申请/授权发明专利60余项,多项专利技术成功落地产业化,并作价入股成立多家公司。主持国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金重点项目等项目15余项。兼任中国人民解放军总医院客座教授,国际期刊Biomaterials Science副主编。2012年入选万人计划青年拔尖人才;2013年获得“国家杰出青年科学基金”资助(结题为特优);2014年获得“长江学者奖励计划特聘教授”;2018年入选北京高校卓越青年科学家计划;2021年获批科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队(生命健康材料创新团队)和万人计划科技创新领军人才。
(1) Duan, S.; Wu, R.; Xiong, Y.H.; Ren, H.M.; Lei, C.; Zhao, Y.Q.; Zhang, X.Y.; Xu, F.J.* Multifunctional antimicrobial materials: from rational design to biomedical applications. Progress in Materials Science. 2022, 125: 100887
(2) Zhao, X.; Guo, K.; Zhang, K.; Duan, S.; Chen, M.; Zhao, N.N.*; Xu, F.J.* Orchestrated yolk-shell nanohybrids regulate macrophage polarization and dendritic cell maturation for oncotherapy with augmented antitumor immunity. Advanced Materials. 2022, 34: 2108263
(3) Zhu, Y.#; Wu, S.#; Sun, Y.; Zou, X.; Zheng, L.; Duan, S.; Wang, J.; Yu, B.R.*; Sui, R.*; Xu, F.J.* Bacteria-targeting photodynamic nanoassemblies for efficient treatment of multidrug-resistant biofilm infected keratitis. Advanced Functional Materials. 2022, 32: 2111066
(4) Wang, A.; Duan, S.; Ding, X.J.; Zhao, N.; Hu, Y.; Ding, X.*; Xu, F.J.* Bioswitchable antibacterial coatings enable self-sterilization of implantable healthcare dressings. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31(18): 2011165
(5) Zhang, X.; Yao, D.; Zhao, W.Y.; Zhang, R.; Yu, B.; Ma, G.; Li, Y.*; Hao, D.*; Xu, F.J.* Engineering platelet-rich plasma based dual-network hydrogel as a bioactive wound dressing with potential clinical translational value. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31(8): 2009258
(6) Wu, S.; Xu, C.; Zhu, Y.; Zheng, L.; Zhang, L.; Hu, Y.; Yu, B.*; Wang, Y.*; Xu, F.J.* Biofilm-sensitive photodynamic nanoparticles for enhanced penetration and antibacterial efficiency. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31(33): 2103591
(7) Song, H.Q.; Fan, Y.; Hu, Y.*; Cheng, G.*; Xu, F.J.* Polysaccharide-peptide conjugates: a versatile material platform for biomedical applications. Advanced Functional Materials. 2021, 31(6): 2005978
(8) Liu, Z.; Zhao, X.; Yu, B.; Zhao, N.*; Zhang, C.; Xu, F.J.* Rough carbon-iron oxide nanohybrids for near-infrared-II light responsive synergistic antibacterial therapy. ACS Nano. 2021, 15: 7482-7490.
(9) Shao, M.; Fan, Y.; Zhang, K.; Hu, Y.*; Xu, F.J.* One nanosystem with potent antibacterial and gene-delivery performances accelerates infected wound healing. Nano Today. 2021, 39: 101224
(10) Zhao, N.N.; Yan, L.; Xue, J.; Zhang, K.*; Xu, F.J.* Degradable one-dimensional dextran-iron oxide nanohybrids for MRI-guided synergistic gene/photothermal/magnetolytic therapy. Nano Today. 2021, 38: 101118
(11) Liu, Y.; Yu, B.; Dai, X.; Zhao, N.*; Xu, F.J.* Biomineralized calcium carbonate nanohybrids for mild photothermal heating-enhanced gene therapy. Biomaterials. 2021,274: 120885
(12) Zheng, L.#; Li, J.#; Yu, M.#; Jia, W.; Duan, S.; Ding, X.; Yu, B.*; Zhang, X.*; Xu, F.J.* Molecular sizes and antibacterial performance relationships of flexible ionic liquid derivatives. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 2020, 142(47): 20257-20269
(13) Zhao, Y.Q.; Sun, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Ding, X.; Zhao, N.N.; Yu, B.; Zhao, H.; Duan, S.;* Xu, F.J.* Well-defined gold nanorod/polymer hybrid coating with inherent antifouling and photothermal bactericidal properties for treating infected hernia. ACS Nano. 2020, 14(2): 2265-2275
(14) Liu, J.Y.#; Hu, Y.#; Li, L; Wang, C.; Wang, J.; Li, Y.*; Chen, D.; Ding, X.; Shen, C.*; Xu, F.J.* Biomass-derived multi-layer-structured microparticles for accelerated hemostasis and bone repair. Advanced Science. 2020, 7(22), 2002243
(15) Qi, Y.#; Liu, Y#; Yu, B.; Hu, Y.; Zhang, N.; Zheng, Y.; Yang, M.*; Xu, F.J.* A lactose-derived CRISPR/Cas9 delivery system for efficient genome editing in vivo to treat orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma. Advanced Science. 2020, 7(17), 2001424
(16) Xu, C.#; Hu, W.#; Zhang, N.; Qi, Y.; Nie, J.J.; Zhao, N.; Yu, B.*; Xu, F.J.* Genetically multimodal therapy mediated by one polysaccharides-based supramolecular nanosystem. Biomaterials. 2020, 248, 120031
(17) Zhao, N.; Yan, L.; Zhao, X.; Chen, X.; Li, A.; Zheng, D.; Zhou, X.; Dai, X.; Xu, F.J.* Versatile types of organic/inorganic nanohybrids: from strategic design to biomedical applications. Chemical Reviews. 2019, 119(3): 1666-1762