胡 水 副研究员

胡 水

办公室:综合楼 A116
E-mail: hushui@mail.buct.edu.cn

1. 聚合物基高性能纤维材料设计与制备;
2. 功能弹性体材料的制备(射线防护、高耐油橡胶材料);
3. 高分子材料结构表征及与性能关系构建。






1.   Hu S, Tian H, Zhang S, Wang D, Gong G, Yue W, Liu K, Hong S, WAng R, Yuan Q, Lu Y*,Wang D*, Zhang L*, Chen J. Fabrication of a High-Performance and Reusable Planar Face Mask in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.Engineering, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eng. 2021.07.022

2.   Hu S, Bai C, Hu H*, Ren Y, Li B, Cao D*. The effect of pH on visible and near-infrared luminescent lanthanide coordination compounds based on a conjugated pyridine carboxylate ligand.Inorganica Chimica Acta, 2021, 514, 120024.

3.   Wang Y, Wang G, Hu T, Wen S, Hu S*, Liu L*. Enhanced photon shielding efficiency of a flexible and lightweight rare earth/polymer composite: A Monte Carlo simulation study. Nuclear Engineering and Technology,2020, 52 (7), 1565-1570.

4.   Cao D*, Cao Z, Wang G, Dong X, Dong Y, Ye Y, Hu S*. Plasma induced graft co-polymerized electrospun polyethylene terephalate membranes for removal of Cu 2+ from aqueous solution. Chemical Physics, 2020, 536.

5.   Li Z, Li K, Liu J*, Hu S*, Wen S, Liu L*, Zhang L. Tailoring the thermal conductivity of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)/Hexagonal boron nitride composite. Polymer, 2019, 177, 262-273.



1. 胡水, 王莹, 刘力, 曹鼎, 叶瑶瑶. 一种同步喷雾干燥制备粉末丁腈橡胶的方法, 2020.5.19, 中国, ZL201910481080.X



1. 高性能中子屏蔽材料制备技术及应用, 中国石油和化学工业联合会, 技术发明二等奖,2014(排名第2)

2. 面向医疗系统射线防护新材料及应用, 北京市人民政府,科学技术二等奖, 2014 (排名第4)