赵京波 教授









主持国家自然科学基金2项、北京市自然科学基金2项、国家配套项目子课题4项,参加国家自然科学基金、863和国家攻关等项目八项;获第四届中国创新挑战赛(甘肃)优秀奖一项(2019年)。参编《高分子化学》教材,获国家及北京市精品课程;参与翻译《工业聚合物手册》第五章,酶学;讲授bwin必赢中国官网本科《高分子化学》(56学时,必修课)和研究生的《聚合物合成与制备》(部分)课程。申请专利47项,已授权21项;已在ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng.、ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.、Polymer、React. Funct. Polym.、Ind. Eng. Chem. Res、Eur Polym J等期刊上发表论文120余篇,其中SCI论文80余篇。


1. Yanyan Wang , Yao Qin , Xiangyuan Li , Jingbo Zhao *A bicyclic carbonate with diamide unit and its tough and strong bio-based linear non-isocyanate polyurethanes containing polyitaconamide sequencesEur. Polym. J. 2025, 223, 113647. (SCI 5.8)

2. Yao Qin, Yanyan Wang, Yuanmeng Wang,Jingbo Zhao*, Jue Cheng, Junying Zhang, Bio-based poly(hydroxyurethane)s of good thermal/mechanical properties upon insertion of polyamide segments, Mater. Chem. Phys. 2025, 335, 130522. (SCI 4.6)

3. Yuanmeng Wang , Min Fan , Yao Qin , Jingbo Zhao * Biobased partially crosslinked polyβ-hydroxyesters synthesized from low-melt carboxyl-polyamides and a dicyclocarbonateEur. Polym. J. 2024, 213, 113118. (SCI 5.8)

4. Shuang Liang, Hengkun Zhao, Xiangyuan Li, Yu Feng, Jingbo Zhao*, An Efficient Strategy to Enhance the Properties of Fully Bio-based Linear Dimeric Acid Polyamides, ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.2024, 6, 9615-9626. (SCI 4.4).

5. Yikun Wang, Yuanmeng Wang, Xiangyuan Li, Jingbo Zhao*, Etherification of biobased resveratrol with ethylene carbonate and its crosslinked polymethacrylates. Mater. Chem. Phys. 2024, 316, 129121. (SCI 4.6)

6. Yu Feng, Shuang Liang, Jing-bo Zhao*, A new strategy to prepare magnetoceramics by bulk pyrolysis of Fe-containing polyamide precursors, Ceramics Internl. 2023, 49, 18167–18179. (Top SCI 5.532).

7. Fengqiu Lin, Shuang Liang, Jingbo Zhao*, Xiangyuan Li, Junying Zhang. Strong aliphatic crosslinked polyureas synthesized through a non-isocyanate route and a Michael addition with an aliphatic bismaleimide, J. Polym. Res. 2023, 30, 239. (SCI 3.061).

8. Xiang-nan LiuYuan-meng WangXiang-yuan LiJun-ying ZhangJing-bo Zhao*, High-performance epoxy hybrid non-isocyanate polyurethanes prepared from diol-cyclocarbonation bisphenol A dicyclocarbonate, Polym. Eng. Sci., 2023, 63(9), 3025-3036. (SCI 3.2)

9. Yuanmeng Wang, Xiangnan Liu, Yikun Wang, Jingbo Zhao*, Epoxy-free synthesis of aromatic dicyclocarbonates and the related strong epoxy hybrid non-isocyanate polyurethanes, Mater. Today Commun. 2023, 34,105263. (SCI 3.662)

10. Qichen Yin, Bowen Xu, Yao Qin, Jingbo Zhao*, Jue Cheng, and Junying Zhang. Biobased Linear and Crystallizable Polyhydroxy(amide-urethane)s from Diglycerol Bis(cyclic carbonate) and the Polyamides of Dimer Fatty Acids,ACS Appl. Polym. Mater.,202243, 2116-2131SCI 4.855

11. Shuo Chen, Yu Feng, Zhi-yuan Zhang, Xiang-yuan Li, Jun-ying Zhang*, Jing-bo Zhao*, Catalyzed Michael addition, polycondensation, and the related performance of Diels–Alder self‑healing crosslinked polyamides, Polym Eng Sci. 2022, 62:1269–1280. (SCI 2.573)

12. Haonan Dong, Yuanmeng Wang, Min Fan, Jingbo Zhao*, Zhiyuan Zhang, Junying Zhang*Synthesis and properties of multi-block thermoplastic polyurethanes constructed with polystyrene and poly(butylene adipate) sequencesJ. Polym. Res.2022, 29:413. (SCI 3.061)

13. Ding-wen Wang, Shuo Chen, Jing-bo Zhao*, Zhi-yuan Zhang, Jun-ying Zhang*Synthesis and properties of self-healing cross-linked non-isocyanate polyurethanes from biobased diglycerol bis(cyclic carbonate)Polym Eng Sci,2021, 612, 497–505. (SCI 2.428)

14. Kuan Liang, Ganggang Zhang, Jingbo Zhao*, Ling Shi, Jue Cheng, and Junying Zhang, Malleable, Recyclable, and Robust Poly(amide-imine) Vitrimers Prepared through a Green Polymerization Process, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2021916, 5673-5683. (Top SCI 8.198).

15. Yunfan Zhang, Jialin Liu, Jingbo Zhao*, Zhiyuan Zhang, Piperazine-containing polyamide complexes with Co2+ ions and the related solvatochromic effect, React. Funct. Polym. 2021, 164, 104927. (SCI 3.975)